Thursday, 17 November 2011

A Smiley Momo brings a smile to your face

Once upon a time there was a little grey haired lady who collected bits and pieces of mohair.
One day she said to herself, 'what will I do with all this mohair?'
She decided to make little people with big happy smiles, hoping that they would bring smiles and happy thoughts to young and old and in the middle human beings.
Smiley Momos were born.
Since that day they have been adopted by babies and toddlers, children of all ages, grumpy 60 year old blokes, 90 year old grandmas, well people and unwell people and every one inbetween.
Momos have been posted across the seven seas and one, like Paddington, was lost at Flinders Street station. I'm certain s/he was adopted into a good home.
When the little old lady sews the red smile on, every momo takes on its very own character and personality, and she thinks of Guisseppe, Pinnochio's grandfather, in his workshop.

Soft and cuddly smiley momos are guaranteed to wish you good morning, kiss you good night and keep you smiling all day long.

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